Undo Delete Partition/Disk Diskpart and Solution

How do I reverse a deleted partition if the partition was deleted by mistake by diskpart cmd? How do I undelete a volume with diskpart or chkdsk?

This article is about two parts regarding to your concern about diskpart and delete volume.

Diskpart Undelete Partition Possible?

How do I recover a deleted partition in Windows 10 with diskpart cmd? Can I use diskpart or chkdsk to recover deleted partition for free? Diskpart recover partition?

The truth/answer:

Chkdsk/diskpart is not able to restore a lost partition if you deleted volume by mistake no matter the deletion was done with diskpart or other third party tools.

Diskpart undo Delete partition and its data

If your volume was deleted by diskpart or other causes, here are some safe ways to undo delete volume no matter it was done by diskpart or disk management or disk volume was gone without a cause.

Note: The first you need to keep the disk untouched when you deleted wrong disk partition since more operations would make it more difficult for partition recovery. And follow the guide below for a recovery.

Undo diskpart delete partition/volume with TestDisk (free)

  • Download and run TestDisk.
  • Select Create a new log file.
  • Choose your hard drive from the list.
  • Set your drive's type of partition table.
  • Select Analyse.
  • Select Quick Search.
  • Highlight the broken or missing partition.
  • Press A.
  • Choose Done.

Video - undo delete partition with Testdisk

Testdisk download url: https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download

If Testdisk does not work, try the following method to recover files from deleted or lost volume.

Undelete Volume Data with Professional Software - Efficent

If your volume was deleted by mistake, restore files from the deleted volume with free tool iCare Recovery Pro that provides a deep in search for your data. Only simply 3 steps to get data back.

preview found photo

Download iCare Pro Free

Here are the steps to undelete data from disk volume. Download and run iCare Pro on your computer

  • Open it, select 'RAW Drive Recovery' that provides deleted partition recovery
  • Scan and select your lost partition, let it show your files
  • Restore your files from the list


Question: How to reverse diskpart delete volume command?

Answer: If diskpart delete the wrong volume by mistake, it could not be reversed by diskpart itself. You may try other ways to bring back deleleted partition such as Testdisk or file recovery tool iCare Recovery Pro.

Question: How to stop diskpart delete volume/partition?

Answer: There is no way to stop diskpart delete volume once it has started. No cmd to reverse the process.

Question: Diskpart recover partition table?

Answer: Diskpart does not provide partition table recovery. Diskpart does not provide partition recovery. You may try Testdisk.

Question: Recover partition diskpart clean?

Answer: Diskpart clean does remove files on partition if you use diskpart clean command, if the clean or clean all is done by mistake, you may try iCare Pro free to undo it. See guide: undo diskpart clean

Question: Can you recover deleted volume with chkdsk?

Answer: Chkdsk is to repair bad blocks on sectors not with deleted volume recovery included. Partition recovery is privided by Testdisk and iCare Recovery Pro.

tag: undo diskpart partition, diskpart partition recovery, diskpart recover partition,

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